4th Edition of AGERP (2023)
3rd Edition of AGERP (2022)
2nd Edition of AGERP (2021)
Lecture 1: Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Walls
Lecture 2: AI and Big Data in Geotechnics
Lecture 3: Geotechnics of Tailings Dams
Lecture 4: In-situ Testing in Geotechnical Engineering
Lecture 6: Design of Foundations
1st Edition of AGERP (2020)
Lecture 1: Mining Geotechnology
Lecture 2: Geophysics for Geotechnical Engineers
Lecture 3: Advanced Numerical Methods and Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering
Lecture 4: Design of Pile foundations
Lecture 6: Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils
Lecture 8: Sensors and NDT Techniques in Geotechnical Engineering
Lecture 9: Energy Geotechnics
Lecture 4:
Discussion and closure on “The performance-based design of bored piles (drilled shafts) in clay” by Malcolm Bolton
We welcome formal discussions on a particular lecture until a week from the conclusion of that lecture. Discussions are to be drafted in the provided template, and submitted to the committee for consideration. For the discussion to be considered as an approved submission, it should be scholarly, relevant to the lecture and should not have been answered in the live lecture session. If approved by the committee, the discussion articles are submitted to the lecturer seeking a closure article. Discussions and closures are published together on this page, if the committee receives a closure, and the appropriate permission from the lecturer to share it with general public. By submitting a discussion article, the discusser agrees to its sharing with the general public. Discussion and closure articles are shared as received. Views expressed and wordings used therein are of the discussers and lecturers, and does not reflect those of the committee.